Review of the year 2024

What we achieved in 2024

We can look back with pride on an exciting and successful year. We have made great progress in making dialysis operations more sustainable - with a great deal of commitment, passion and fantastic results.

Some highlights:

Sustainability and growth:
In the second full financial year, we increased our Sales more than doubled. In the fourth quarter alone, we implemented resource-saving solutions in 15 dialysis centresThis has cut water and electricity consumption and reduced the ecological footprint.

Digital development:
With our GreenTec Performance System (GPS), part of the Smart Dialysis® platform, we use digital solutions to continuously optimise the systems and thus relieve the burden on staff and operators of dialysis centres.

Team expansion:
We are pleased about Four new team members. They bring valuable expertise and fresh perspectives and complement our team perfectly. Hello again to Dominik Reinecke, Marcel Schanze, Martina Ackner and Julius Blumenröder! 😊

New website:
In the summer, we have our New GreenTec website launched; this was an important milestone for us. Interested parties now have easy access to information about our solutions.

We are proud of what we have achieved together with our customers and partners.

In 2025, we will continue to work intensively on making dialysis greener. We are really looking forward to it!

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