
Lebach Dialysis Centre

"Mit dem Umzug in neue Praxisräume wollten wir eine Dialyse verwirklichen, die unseren Werten entspricht: Behandlungen auf hochmodernem Niveau bei höchster Patientensicherheit und ressourcenschonendem, nachhaltigem Arbeiten. Mit dem Ergebnis sind wir überaus zufrieden." So beschreibt Dr. Dirk Henrich die neuen Räume in Lebach.
Außenansicht des Dialysegebäudes des Klinikums Heidenheim

Heidenheim Hospital

"Our vision: a hospital dialysis centre that combines the latest technology, cost-effectiveness and environmental awareness." This is how Susanne Gaiser, Deputy Director of Nursing and Head of Nursing at Heidenheim Hospital, described the idea for the new dialysis centre.

Nephrological Centres Münsterland GbR, ÜBAG

"For some time now, we have had the vision of becoming Germany's first green dialysis centre," say Dr Christoph Korte, Dr Markus Weber and Christian Meyer. In 2020, a photovoltaic system was installed to save energy.

"Green dialysis" - where do we stand in Germany?

GreenTec Dialysis in Heidelberg is the only start-up in Germany to develop sustainable technologies for dialysis centres. Dr Hans Peter Barth and Falk Sommer talk about innovative approaches to reducing energy and water consumption as well as waste in dialysis. Despite increasing attention, there is still a lack of realisable technologies in the dialysis sector that can be implemented on a large...

Hygiene & sustainability in renal replacement therapy

The implementation of renal replacement therapies is particularly resource-intensive and contributes significantly to the carbon footprint of healthcare. In addition to infection prevention, the focus is now also shifting to water, energy and material consumption in order to make the therapy sustainable. A meeting of experts in April 2024 discussed various approaches to saving resources and formulated...

Economy, ecology & climate psychology - a broad field

At the DGfN Annual Conference 2021, the topic of "GREEN DIALYSIS" was very visibly included in the programme for the first time. It will again have a high priority at the 2022 congress. At the end of 2021, we already asked "Where do we stand in terms of green dialysis in Germany?" and presented GreenTec Dialysis as the only start-up in...

Green dialysis - an opportunity for the future

Dialysis therapy has a considerable impact on the environment. The treatment requires an enormous consumption of resources. For ecological and economic reasons, it is therefore necessary to rethink sustainable behaviour. Therefore, a continuous recording of electricity and water consumption of a dialysis facility should be the basis for saving electricity and water...
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